ivychem PCR 增强剂 (10x)说明书 |
产品描述和特点: PCR 或实时 PCR 适用于丰度或高浓度的基因。对于单拷贝或低浓度的基因,PCR扩增中检测灵敏度差、变异性高是常见的现象。 在这里,我们提供了一种创新且简单的解决方案来增强 PCR、实时 PCR 和数字 PCR 检测,从而提高任何单拷贝或多拷贝基因的灵敏度和重现性。您只需将 1/10 体积的我们的 PCR Enhance (10x) 添加到您的最终 PCR 反应中。 |
PCR Enhancer (10x) |
Product Description and Features: PCR or Real Time PCR works well for genes in abundances or high concentrations. For a gene with a single copy or low concentration, poor assay sensitivity and high variability are common in PCR amplification. Here we provide an innovative and simple solution to enhance PCR, real time PCR and digital PCR assays for better sensitivity and reproducibility for any gene with single copy or multiple copies. All you need is to add 1/10 volume of our PCR Enhance (10x) to your final PCR reaction. |
Catalog # | Name | Package Size | Price |
B50105 | PCR Enhancer (10x) | 300 uL (150 reactions) | $150.00 |
ivychem B50105