Jem Biotech Inc.是一家综合性学科,提供生物技术和化学领域的广泛服务。我们的主要目标是成为您的研究合作伙伴。我们是印度Microtest Innovations的主要合作伙伴。
Jem Biotech KTS-01说明书
PAP(焦磷酸化激活的聚合反应法)是一种*的DNA扩增技术(Liu and Sommer: BioTechniques, 29 [2000], 1072-1080; Nucleic Acids Res, 30 [2002], 598-604),该技术利用DNA聚合酶在3'封闭的引物进行连续的焦磷酸化和聚合反应。焦磷酸化是DNA聚合的逆反应,其引物模板双链的3'末端封闭核苷酸(通常是双脱氧)在无机焦磷酸盐存在下被酶解清除,在焦磷酸化清除封闭的核苷酸后,激活引物进行后续的DNA聚合。由于PAP的高特异性(1 / 3*1011),该技术正成为检测存在大量野生型等位基因的情况下检测稀有突变,大杂合缺失和重复基因的有力工具(Liu et al:Biotechniques, 40 [2006],661-668)。 理论上,PAP可以检测3*1011个拷贝的野生型等位基因中的单碱基突变,此外,PAP还可用作替代或证实real-time PCR反应 (Boon et al : Prenat Diagn 27[2007], 932-937)。
KlenTaq-S已被多个研究团队证实是PAP反应适的热稳定Taq DNA聚合酶,该酶由5'缺失和F667Y(Tabor和Richardson)突变的基因表达,编码的Thermus aquaticus DNA聚合酶。 该酶反复暴露于98度的PR1反应缓冲液中没有表现出任何明显的活性损失,具有*的热稳定性。
KlenTaq-S酶的浓度 : 10 U/µl
建议PAP反应条件 (25 µl反应体系) :
50 mM Tris-HCl, 7.8,
16 mM 硫酸铵,
3.5 mM 氯化镁,
25 µM each four dNTPs,
0.1 µM 引物,
5-200 ng模板,
90 µM 无机焦磷酸盐 (Na4PPi),
2% DMSO,
循环条件 :
95度1 min (变性),
94度 15 sec
60度 30 sec
64度 30 sec
68度 1 min
72度 1-2 min
循环数25-45 。
缓冲体系 (10X PR1):
500 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.8,
160 mM (NH4)2SO4,
35 mM MgCl2, 1.5 mg/ml BSA
订货信息 :
货号 : KTS-01
含量: 100 µl or 1000 U/vial
价格 : $200/vial (1000 U)
Item Code | Products | Host | Amount | Price ($) |
LA001 | Acid Phosphatase, Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified | Host Chicken | 5 mg | 1300 |
LA002 | Albumin, Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified (ALB) | Host Goat | 10 mg | 800 |
LA003 | Albumin, Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified (ALB) | Host Chicken | 10 mg | 600 |
LA004 | Alpha Amylase, Polyclonal anti-Human (whole antiserum) | Host Rabbit | 50 ml | 900 |
LA005 | Alpha Fetoprotein, Polyclonal anti-Human (AFP) Whole Antiserum | Host Goat | 50 ml | 900 |
LA006 | Alpha-1 Antitrypsin, Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified (A1AT) | Host Goat | 10 mg | 700 |
LA007 | Alpha-1 Antitrypsin, Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified (A1AT) | Host Chicken | 10 mg | 700 |
LA008 | Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein, anti-Human Affinity Purified (A1AG) | Host Goat | 10 mg | 750 |
LA009 | alpha-2-Macroglobulin, Polyclonal anti-Human affinity Purified (A2M) | Host Chicken | 10 mg | 700 |
LA010 | anti-Feline Leukemia Virus p27, Monoclonal | Tissue Culture | 5 mg | 3000 |
LA011 | anti-Feline Leukemia Virus p27, Monoclonal-CMI | Tissue Culture | 5mg | 3000 |
LA012 | beta 2-Microglobulin ,anti-Human HRP Conjugated | Host Chicken | 10 mg | 1400 |
LA013 | beta 2-Microglobulin, Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified (B2M) | Host Chicken | 10 mg | 650 |
LA014 | BNP Polyclonal anti-human affinity purified | Host Rabbit | 5 mg | 3000 |
LA015 | C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Polyclonal anti-Rat affinity purified | Host Rabbit | 1 mg | 1500 |
LA016 | C-Reactive Protein, Polyclonal anti-Human affinity purified (CRP) | Host Goat | 10 mg | 750 |
LA017 | C3, Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified | Host Chicken | 10 mg | 750 |
LA018 | C4 , Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified | Host Goat | 10 mg | 750 |
LA019 | Cathepsin, Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified | Host Chicken | 5 mg | 1450 |
LA020 | Ceruloplasmin, Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified | Host Chicken | 10 mg | 750 |
LA021 | Elastase, anti-Human IgG Fraction | Host Sheep | 100 mg | 500 |
LA021 | Elastase, anti-Human IgG Fraction | Host Sheep | 100 mg | 500 |
LA022 | Elastase, Polyclonal anti-human (whole anti-serum) | Host Sheep | 30 ml | 400 |
LA023 | Ferritin, Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified | Host Rabbit | 10mg | 1750 |
LA024 | Goat anti-Human Whole Serum | Host Goat | 100 ml | 1750 |
LA025 | Haptoglobin Polyclonal anti-human (whole antiserum) | Host Goat | 10 ml | 500 |
LA026 | Haptoglobin, Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified (Hp) | Host Goat | 10 mg | 1200 |
LA027 | Haptoglobin, Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified (Hp) | Host Rabbit | 10 mg | 1200 |
LA028 | Heartworm,.Polyclonal anti-Canine Affinity Purified | Host Chicken | 10 mg | 3000 |
LA029 | Heartworm,Polyclonal anti-Canine,HRP Conjugated | Host Chicken | 10 mg | 3500 |
LA030 | Hemoglobin, Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified | Host Goat | 30 ml | 750 |
LA031 | Hemoglobin, Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified | Host Sheep | 10 mg | 750 |
LA032 | IgA, Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified | Host Chicken | 10 mg | 750 |
LA033 | Kappa, Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified | Host Chicken | 10 mg | 1000 |
LA034 | Kappa, Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified | Host Goat | 10 mg | 750 |
LA035 | Lactate Dehydrogenase , Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified (LDH) | Host Chicken | 10 mg | 3500 |
LA036 | Lactoferrin Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified | Host Goat | 10 mg | 1300 |
LA037 | Lactoferrin, Polyclonal Whole anti-serum | Host Rabbit | 50 ml | 1000 |
LA038 | Lambda, Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified | Host Chicken | 10 mg | 1000 |
LA039 | Lambda, Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified | Host Goat | 10 mg | 750 |
LA040 | Myeloperoxidase, Polyclonal anti-human affinity purified | Host Chicken | 10 mg | 3500 |
LA041 | Myeloperoxidase, Polyclonal anti-Human affinity purified (MPO) | Host Rabbit | 10 mg | 3500 |
LA042 | Myoglobin Polyclonal anti-human affinity purified | Host Chicken | 10 mg | 2500 |
LA043 | Myoglobin, Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified | Sheep | 10 mg | 5000 |
LA044 | Prostate Specific Antigen,(PSA) Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified | Host Chicken | 5 mg | 2300 |
LA045 | Rabbit anti-Human Whole Serum | Host Rabbit | 50 ml | 2000 |
LA046 | Retinol Binding Protein ,Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified (RBP) | Host Chicken | 10 mg | 3200 |
LA047 | Transferrin, Polyclonal anti-Human Affinity Purified | Host Chicken | 10 mg | 750 |
LA048 | Troponin I, anti-human whole antiserum | Host Rabbit | 500 ml | 15000 |
MMT001 | α His tag, monoclonal |
| Inquire | Inquire |
MMT002 | α Taq Pol, monoclonal |
| Inquire | Inquire |
MMT003 | α KlenTaq Pol, monoclonal |
| Inquire | Inquire |
MMT004 | α HIV P24, monoclonal |
| Inquire | Inquire |
MMT005 | α CD3, monoclonal |
| Inquire | Inquire |
MMT006 | α CD4, monoclonal |
| Inquire | Inquire |
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